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Oil: Politics, Poverty and the Planet
Toby Shelley

224 صفحة | قياس 13x20 سم | الغلاف: Paperback
طبعة 1 |2005| السعر 18.00 $ | ISBN: 9953-14-072-3

Access to oil and natural gas, and their prices, are hugely important axes of geo-political strategy and global economic prospects and have been for a century. This book, written by a Financial Times journalist who has long covered the energy sector, provides readers with the essential information they need for understanding the shifting structure of the global oil and gas economy - where the reserves lie, who produces what, trade patterns, consumption trends, prices.
The book highlights political and social issues in the global energy sector - the domestic inequality, civil conflict and wide-spreead poverty that dependence on oil exports inflicts on developing countries and the strategies of wealthy countries (especially the United States) to control oil-rich regions.
Energy demand is on a strong upward trend. The reality of the environmental damage caused by fossil fuels cannotbe doubted. What are likely to be the human consequences - changing disase vectors, unprecedented flooding, mass migration? And what is to be done - in the wealthy countries where consumerism drives increasing growth in demand, and in developing countries aiming to grow their economies faster? Are alternative energy sources a panacea? Or will the much vaunted hydrogen economy still be based on oil, natural gas and coal? Here is a book that addresses what is perhaps the most pervasive and destabilising of the issues facing humanity.


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حكام مارقون: النفط والإعلام في قبضة السياسة